Our atoms mostly space,
but full of self-conception
Do we spend our time observing?
Surrounding lifeforms boggle the mind
Amidst patches of grass,
Nearly invisible civilizations
Bodies translucent
colored by chlorophyll
intricate, sophisticated, and delicate.
Hardly reminiscent of our own form.
Generations come and gone
in a handful few solar cycles.
Every mowed lawn an unrecognized genocide.
Lives, eons in the making,
evolving continuously to thrive
against the passage of time unseen by mortal eyes.
These fleeting words
as impermanent as the voice that seeks to utter them.
Our crude and ineffectual way of clinging
whatever we sense, imagine, or conceive
like pollen drifting and searching for something to fertilize
to prolong the sense of living beyond one lifetime.
But life does continue!
Let us set our hearts to work
diligently beyond our own personal aims
to fulfill the great chance for the planet
to house its progeny
as it has for billions of years
before the first words were ever spoken.
The silent intelligence that seeks itself
in expressions of all forms
on this planet and the cosmos itself
is alive and well at work within us all.
Dare to be quiet enough to hear it.
It speaks as the whisper of deep knowing,
urging for repair of what has been broken
by impatience and hubris.
How beautiful it will be
when the great circle that holds us all
a family of loving creatures
united in reverence
around the sacred fire we share
foreseen long ago in visions.