Intermediate Yoga, • 2/9/21 Hamstring strength and flexibility Strength and length of hamstrings Previous Twisting Postures Next 26 (?) Sun salutations + postures You Might Also Like Working with Mula Bandha, the pelvic floor. Working towards advanced poses Meditation on life's transitions (big and small) Meditation to be in the eye of the storm. Working with Asmita - Egotism: acknowledging the Ego
Intermediate Yoga, • 2/9/21 Hamstring strength and flexibility Strength and length of hamstrings Previous Twisting Postures Next 26 (?) Sun salutations + postures You Might Also Like Working with Mula Bandha, the pelvic floor. Working towards advanced poses Meditation on life's transitions (big and small) Meditation to be in the eye of the storm. Working with Asmita - Egotism: acknowledging the Ego