Intermediate Yoga, • 4/13/22 Deepening the physical practice - muscles and joints. Deepening the physical practice - muscles and joints. Previous Dharma 3 focusing on joints. Next Being deliberate w/ binds. You Might Also Like Being deliberate: holding poses. 12 sun salutations plus postures with longer holds Working with Asmita - Egotism: Acknowledging the Ego 12 Sun salutations + posturesIntermediate: Working with Asmita - Egotism: acknowledging the Ego 12 Sun salutations + postures Practice for deepening backbends Hip opening/forward bends
Intermediate Yoga, • 4/13/22 Deepening the physical practice - muscles and joints. Deepening the physical practice - muscles and joints. Previous Dharma 3 focusing on joints. Next Being deliberate w/ binds. You Might Also Like Being deliberate: holding poses. 12 sun salutations plus postures with longer holds Working with Asmita - Egotism: Acknowledging the Ego 12 Sun salutations + posturesIntermediate: Working with Asmita - Egotism: acknowledging the Ego 12 Sun salutations + postures Practice for deepening backbends Hip opening/forward bends