Intermediate Yoga, • 2/9/22 Warming through working with the back body. Warming through working with the back body. Previous Warming through working with the hips. Next Working with backbends, Mula Bandha, and baselines. You Might Also Like Practice to learn to "listen to your body" Contentment: A practice encourages you to celebrate life Working towards advanced poses Twisting Postures Working with Avidya - Ignorance: celebrate the awkwardness
Intermediate Yoga, • 2/9/22 Warming through working with the back body. Warming through working with the back body. Previous Warming through working with the hips. Next Working with backbends, Mula Bandha, and baselines. You Might Also Like Practice to learn to "listen to your body" Contentment: A practice encourages you to celebrate life Working towards advanced poses Twisting Postures Working with Avidya - Ignorance: celebrate the awkwardness